Introduction of Widal Test
- Widal Test is an agglutination test which detects the presence of serum agglutinins (H and O) in patients serum with typhoid and paratyphoid fever.
- When facilities for culturing are not available, the Widal test is the reliable and can be of value in the diagnosis of typhoid fevers in endemic areas.
- It was developed by Georges Ferdinand Widal in 1896.
- The patient’s serum is tested for O and H antibodies (agglutinins) against the following antigen suspensions (usually stained suspensions):
S. Typhi 0 antigen suspension, 9, 12
S. Typhi H antigen suspension, d
S. Paratyphi A 0 antigen suspension, 1, 2, 12
S. Paratyphi A H antigen suspension, a
S. Paratyphi B 0 antigen suspension, 1, 4, 5, 12
S. Paratyphi B H antigen suspension, b, phase 1
S. Paratyphi C 0 antigen suspension, 6, 7
S. Paratyphi C H antigen suspension, c, phase 1 - Salmonella antibody starts appearing in serum at the end of first week and rise sharply during the 3rd week of endemic fever. In acute typhoid fever, O agglutinins can usually be detected 6–8 days after the onset of fever and H agglutinins after 10–12 days.
- It is preferable to test two specimens of sera at an interval of 7 to 10 days to demonstrate a rising antibody titre.
- Salmonella antigen suspensions can be used as slide and tube techniques.
Principle of Widal Test
Bacterial suspension which carry antigen will agglutinate on exposure to antibodies to Salmonella organisms. Patients’ suffering from enteric fever would possess antibodies in their sera which can react and agglutinate serial doubling dilutions of killed, colored Salmonella antigens in a agglutination test.
The main principle of widal test is that if homologous antibody is present in patients serum, it will react with respective antigen in the reagent and gives visible clumping on the test card and agglutination in the tube. The antigens used in the test are “H” and “O” antigens of Salmonella Typhi and “H” antigen of S. Paratyphi. The paratyphoid “O” antigen are not employed as they cross react with typhoid “O” antigen due to the sharing of factor 12. “O” antigen is a somatic antigen and “H” antigen is flagellar antigen.
Preparation of Widal Antigens
- H suspension of bacteria is prepared by adding 0.1 per cent formalin to a 24 hours broth culture or saline suspension of an agar culture.
- For preparation of O suspensions of bacteria, the organisms is cultured on phenol agar (1:800) to inhibit flagella.
- Standard smooth strains of the organism are used; S Typhi 901, O and H strains are employed for this purpose.
- The growth is then emulsified in small volume of saline, mixed with 20 times its volume of alcohol, heated at 40° C to 50° C for 30 minutes and centrifuged.
- The antigens are treated with chloroform (preservative) and appropriate dyes are added for easy identification of antigens.
Procedure of Widal Test
- Place one drop of positive control on one reaction circles of the slide.
- Pipette one drop of Isotonic saline on the next reaction cirlcle. (-ve Control).
- Pipette one drop of the patient serum tobe tested onto the remaining four reaction circles.
- Add one drop of Widal TEST antigen suspension ‘H’ to the first two reaction circles. (PC & NC).
- Add one drop each of ‘O’, ‘H’, ‘AH’ and ‘BH’ antigens to the remaining four reaction circles.
- Mix contents of each circle uniformly over the entire circle with separate mixing sticks.
- Rock the slide, gently back and forth and observe for agglutination macroscopically within one minute.
- Pipette one drop of isotonic saline into the first reaction circle and then place 5, 10, 20, 40, 80 ul of the test sample on the remaining circles.
- Add to each reaction circle, a drop of the antigen which showed agglutination with the test sample in the screening method.
- Using separate mixing sticks, mix the contents of each circle uniformly over the reaction circles.
- Rock the slide gently back and forth, observe for agglutination macroscopically within one minute.
In Widal Test, two types of tubes were originally used:
(1) Dreyer’s tube (narrow tube with conical bottom) for H agglutination and
(2) Felix tube (short round-bottomed tube) for O agglutination.
Now a days 3 x 0.5 ml Kahn tubes are used for both types of agglutination.
- Take 4 sets of 8 Kahn tubes/test tubes and label them 1 to 8 for O, H, AH and BH antibody detection.
- Pipette into the tube No.1 of all sets 1.9 ml of isotonic saline.
- To each of the remaining tubes (2 to 8) add 1.0 ml of isotonic saline.
- To the tube No.1 tube in each row add 0.1 ml of the serum sample to be tested and mix well.
- Transfer 1.0 ml of the diluted serum from tube no.1 to tube no.2 and mix well.
- Transfer 1.0 ml of the diluted sample from tube no.2 to tube no.3 and mix well. Continue this serial dilution till tube no.7 in each set.
- Discard 1.0 ml of the diluted serum from tube No.7 of each set.
- Tube No.8 in all the sets, serves as a saline control. Now the dilution of the serum sample achieved in each set is as follows: Tube No. : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (control) Dilutions 1:20 1:40 1:80 1:160 1:320 1:640 1:1280.
- To all the tubes (1 to 8) of each set add one drop of the respective WIDALTEST antigen suspension (O, H, AH and BH) from the reagent vials and mix well.
- Cover the tubes and incubate at 37° C overnight (approximately 18 hours).
- Dislodge the sedimented button gently and observe for agglutination.
Above protocols are obtained from WIDAL TEST: Swemed Diagnostics
Interpretation of Widal Test

- Agglutination is a positive test result and if the positive reaction is observed with 20 ul of test sample, it indicates presence of clinically significant levels of the corresponding antibody in the patient serum.
- No agglutination is a negative test result and indicates absence of clinically significant levels of the corresponding antibody in the patient serum.

- The titre of the patient serum using Widal test antigen suspensions is the highest dilution of the serum sample that gives a visible agglutination.
- The sample which shows the titre of 1:100 or more for O agglutinations and 1:200 or more for H agglutination should be considered as clinically significant (active infection). Example: In the above figure, titre is 160.
- Demonstration of 4-fold rise between the two is diagnostic.
- H agglutination is more reliable than O agglutinin.
- Agglutinin starts appearing in serum by the end of 1st week with sharp rise in 2nd and 3rd week and the titre remains steady till 4th week after which it declines.
Limitations of Widal Test
- The Widal test is time consuming (to find antibody titre) and often times when diagnosis is reached it is too late to start an antibiotic regimen.
- The Widal test should be interpreted in the light of baseline titers in a healthy local population.
- The Widal test may be falsely positive in patients who have had previous vaccination or infection with S. Typhi.
- Besides cross-reactivity with other Salmonella species, the test cannot distinguish between a current infection and a previous infection or vaccination against typhoid.
- Widal titers have also been reported in association with the dysgammaglobulinaemia of chronic active hepatitis and other autoimmune diseases.
- False positive Widal test results are also known to occur in typhus, acute falciparum malaria
(particularly in children), chronic liver disease associated with raised globulin levels and disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, myelomatosis and nephrotic syndrome. - False negative results may be associated with early treatment, with “hidden organisms” in bone and joints, and with relapses of typhoid fever. Occasionally the infecting strains are poorly immunogenic.
- False negative Widal tests may be due to antibody responses being blocked by early antimicrobial treatment or following a typhoid relapse.
- Severe hypoproteinaemia may also prevent a rise in 0 and H antibody titres.
- The antibody levels found in a healthy population however, may vary from time to time and in different areas, making it difficult to establish a cut off level of baseline antibody in a defined area and community.
- In low typhoid endemic areas, weak and delayed O and H antibody responses limit the usefulness of the Widal test. Variations also exist between laboratories in the performance and reading of Widal tests which compromise further the reliability of the test.
- The World Health Organization (WHO) has said that due to the various factors that can influence the results of a Widal test, it is best not to rely too much on this test.
Sir, Please interpret following:
TO…… 1:320
TH…… 1:320
AH….. 1:320
BH…… 1:20
Significant titer for o antibody and h antibody it’s also significant for ah antibody
Sir, Please help me understand the following
I had this after a widal test
Paratyphi A , result TO <1/20 TH <1/20
Paratyphi B,. ….. TO <1/20 TH <1/20
Paratyphi C ……. Etc
sat-paratyphi A_ 1/20
sat- paratyphi B-1/20
sat-paratyphi C1/20
sat-typhi D 1/20
My test result
Somatic antigen “o”
Paratyphi A =1/80
Paratyphi B = 1/80
Paratyphi C =1/40
Typhil D =1/80
Flagella Antigen “H”
Paratyphi a =1/20
Paratyphi b=1/40
Paratyphi c=1/40
Typhil d =1/80
Pls interpret for me
mild typhoid.
The results is Reactive
Hi, my results are:
1) typh O: Negative
2) typh H: Positive 1/20
3) paratyph A: Positive 1/20
4) paratyph B: Positive 1/20
Is this positive for typhoid or paratyphoid? – should I go to a doctor?
Also other high values in my blood:
Anisocytosis RDW-SD is 46.9 (normal 36.4~46.3) fL
Monocytes-% is 7 (normal 3~7) %
Thank you so much
first 1/20 is not not positive result and rdw also are not an abnormal value or critical .monocyte are also not abnormal so cool down
my wife Widal test results are
S.Typhi-O 1:160
S.Typhi-H No Agglutination
S. Paratyphi – A(H) No Agglutination
S. Paratyphi – B(H) No Agglutination
does this indicate wheter she is having typhoid
The result is incomplete
What of S. Paratyphil O result?
Typhoid positive
Typhoid positive is when the O or H titer is more than 1:160
1:20 is greater than 1:160 right. so, the above ones are positive na.
Yes she has typhoid fever
Hello, please help interpret this widal test result.
Salmonella Typhi “O” 1/80
Salmonella Typhi “H” 1/40
Salmonella Paratyphi “A” 1/40
Salmonella Paratyphi (a) 1/40
Salmonella Paratyphi “B” 1/80
Salmonella Paratyphi (b) 1/80
Salmonella Paratyphi “C” 1/80
Salmonella Paratyphi (c) 1/160
It indicates u had a past infection with Salmonella typhi
It’s when diagnosis titre is 1/80 from this range positive start any thing abov this is positive while any range below is either negative or carriers
My daughter had been immunized for Typhoid. However recently she has been having relapsing fever for past 11 days but no other symptoms. Widal test results were :
S Typhi O Antigen Titre 1:160
S Typhi H Antigen Titre 1:80
S Typhi AH Antigent Titre 1:160
S Typhi BH Antingen Titre 1:80
Is this positive for Typhoid
Hello my daughter is having fever for 10 days. Her febrile antigen is To 1:80, TH 1:80,AH 1:160, BH 1:80. What does it means?
She has the antibody, and it’s as a result of contaminated water. Plz she you have to visit the hospital with her for proper medication.
Hopefully she is now cure.
That is a positive typhoid. Has to be treated with a serious medicine.
That means she is been affected with typhoid so look for the medicine
That means she is been affected with typhoid fever so look for the medicine,she is a typhoid positive so pls let her look for a good doctor for proper treatment
Yes. It. Positive Result Salmonella. O. Thphi. 1:160. Is. Reactive.
Interpreted typhoid test results
AH Agglutination seen 1:320
BH No Agglutination
O. Agglutination 1:160
H. Agglutination 1:40
S.typhi O antigen no agglutination
S.typhi H antigen positive (1:160)
S.paratyphi A H antigen no agglutination
S.paratyphi B H antigen no agglutination
As per above report please advise…
Go for typhidot tesing. It detects OMP (Outer Membrane Protein) on typhoid bacteria.It is as good as blood culture means almost 100 % reliable. Result is obtained within 30 minutes, whereas blood culture takes 3-5 days.
SIR my widal result is o=1:360 and h=1:80
what does it says
U have typhoid. Treat urgent.
My widal test result is
Salmonella paratyphi A(o) 1/20
Salmonella paratyphi A(O) 1/40
Salmonella paratyphi B(O) 1/20
Salmonella paratyphi B(H) 1/80
Salmonella paratyphi C(O) 1/20
Salmonella paratyphi C(H) 1/20
Salmonella typhi O 1/20
Salmonella typhi H 1/80
Pls can u explain this to me n tell me if am positive or negative
Sir my widal test result O – 1:80 and H – 1:40 what’s the indication
Negative. Of. Widal. It’s. Just. Viral. Fever
Hello sit
My son 10 years old widal test report is
O 1:160
H 1:320
AH 1:80
BH 1:80
Is this positive
Yes. It. Is. High. Fever. Of H 1:320 Thyphaid fever
Positive. Means the person has got typhoid fever and should start treatment at the earliest
Sir my son aged 14years report is salm. Typhil O=1:160 &salm typhil H=1:40 , salm parat AH 1:20 &salam paraty Ah1:20 what is it say
My widely test result is
O- 1:160
Am I positive or negative?
Starting stage of. Thyphoid. Fever. It is. Positive
I went for a widal reaction
Salmonella Typhi O 1/160 H 1/40
Salmonella Paratyphi A. H 1/40 H 1/80
Salmonella Paratyphi B. H 1/40 H 1/40
Salmonella Paratyphi C. H 1/40 H 1/80
Typhoid o 1:160
Typhoid H 1:320
Widely test salmonella Typhi O 1:160 salmonella Typhi H 1:160 . salmonella parents Typhi AH 1:120 Salmonella parents Typhi BH 1:120 Please give me suggestion is this passitive or not .
Sir please is this widal test result significant: S. Paratyphi A 1:20 “O” 1:160 “H”
S. Paratyphi B 1:160 “O” 1:20 “H”, S. Paratyphi C 1:20 “O” 1:160 “H”
Widal test is done empty stomach or not?
sir how to give the agglutination if the result is like this is this is positive agglutination or negative agglutination please let me now thanking you sir . naveenkumar.j
1) Salmonella typh O Titr : 1 in 40 dilution
2) Salmonella typh H Titr : 1 in 40 dilution
3) salmonella paratyph AH titr : less than 1 in 20 dilution
4) salmonella paratyph BH titr : less than 1 in 20 dilution
I sow same one patient widal test result
Typhoid O=1:320
Typhoid H=1:160
he feeling hedage, and fever and stomach pain
please tell me reporting results positive or negative
I tested for a significant titre 1:80 is this positive or negative?
What is the salmonella D anti-serum is ?
Salmonella D anti-serum is used for the serotyping of:
A) S.paratyphi A
B)S.paratyphi B
D) any of above
Pls the result I got was. o -1/20 all thru while h-1/20,1/40,1/40,1/40, pls what’s the significant titre
I m rashid…Sir i m felling fever after mild common widal report display
S.Typhi H….. -ve
S.Typhi o….. 1:40
S.Typhi AH …-ve
Should this parameters reflect my positiveness. Of Typhoid infection.
The significant titer is 1:80 and above
Sir please is this widal test result significant. I was admitted in hospital and treatment for typhoid two weeks ago.
Sal typhi O 1:160 H 1:160
Sal paratphi A. O 1:80 H 1:80
B. O 1:160 H 1:160
C. O 1:80 H 1:160
Thanks a lot
Its very significant and requires treatment. Ur titre values are up. You have five 160’s which is such a high titre. I do hope you feel better now based on the medication you are placed on?
Sir, my wife age 35 her widal report is
TO – 1:160
TH – 1:160
AH – 1:80
BH – 1:80
how this report Negetive or Positive?
Btw O and H, which one is positive for widal?
If O antigen is => 1:160 then it is positive . When H antigen is => 1:160, it means not positive but active infection.
S.typhi “O”-positive(1:160 dil)
S.typhi “H”-positive(1:80 dil)
S.para typhi “A(H)”- negative(1:20 dil)
S.para typhi “B(H)”- negative(1:20 dil)
Hello sir..nice article. Why are we not detecting S.paratyphiC in widal test??because some kits contains antigen for S.paratyphiC, why not in others?
Dear All,
My 7 yrs kid’s WIDAL Test report are:
S.TYPHI ‘O’ – 1:160
S.TYPHI ‘H’ – 1:320
S.TYPHI ‘A0’ – 1:40
S.TYPHI ‘AH’ – 1:40
S.TYPHI ‘BO’ – 1:40
S.TYPHI ‘BH’ – 1:40
He is having stomach pain, dizziness, feeling sleepy most of the time since last 8 days and fever of 102 and above since last 4 days.
Since last 4 days, after ‘Ibuprofen’ fever syrup (300 mg) and ‘Cefixime’ antibiotic (400 mg/12 hours) application fever of 102 and above has been continuing every after 9/10 hours.
We are so panic…. Please reply us with your advice.
Is the having Typhoid or not?
Is this stomach pain is due to typhoid or something else ?
Which is the treatment procedure ?
How many days it will may continue ?
Dear All,
My 3yr old child’s WIDAL Test report as per below;
S.TYPHI ‘O’ – agglutination seen 1:40 titre
S.TYPHI ‘H’ – agglutination seen 1:40 titre
S.TYPHI ‘AH’ – No agglutination seen
S.TYPHI ‘BH’ – No agglutination seen
He is having stomach pain, dizziness, feeling sleepy all time since last 17 days and fever of 102 and above since last 4 days and now after FLEXON fever syrup and ZIFI 100 antibiotic application since last 3 days body tem. Is normal but still having stomach pain & dry heavy coughing…..
Blood report shown 3400 WBC against normal range of 4000 to 11000……and CRP quantitative 6.6 mg/L against normal range of <2.8
One doctor said he is having typhoid fever and other said he is having viral fever…. he is on antibiotic – 7.5ml (ZIFI 100) since last 4 days…..along with FLEXON (10ml), Asthalin (3.5ml), Bro-zedex (3.5ml) and frisium table (2 per day) and cyclopean (5ml) when he is having acute stomach pain.
We are so panic… he is having febrile convulsion in last Aug-2016, hence any fever above 100F makes us in tremendous panic and worry….
Request your urgent help…..
Is the having Typhoid or not?
Is this stomach pain is due to typhoid or something else
Is this dry heavy cough is due to typhoid or something else
so appreciate.. For your collaboration model micro …..
1-Repeat your test at medical college level. Go and discuss youe case to some Prof cum Dr of microbiology department. Request for test that takes 18 hrs to give result.
2- Kindly do your urine and stool culture for salmonella if prof cum Dr suggests you.
Now comes the treatment part…….
Your and such type of other case are called Carrier of enteric fever. If otherwise no problem leave it other wise you may need removal of galk bladder
Do a culture and then sensitivity. You may be on an antibiotic regime which is not effectively sensitive to the organism. Then once an effective antibiotic I’d prescribed make sure you are administering it as prescribed that is do not skip any until course is complete. And ensure to complete the cause even if you’re feeling better.
Hope that suffices
Being on Antibiotics for that long is not the solution and not the best idea either considering that drugs are xenobiotics and again, you could eventually become resistant to most of the antibiotics. However, the best approach could be to run a stool MCS (Microscopy, Culture and Sensitivity). Through this Microbiological procedure, you could actually know the right antibiotic to take and at what amount and dosage and what period it would need to clear your typhoid.
Finally, ensure to complete the dosage as prescribed because when you don’t complete your treatment regime for microbial infections, they tend to reoccur and when it does, they must have grown quite resistant to the first drug you use.
You may also have to mind your source of drinking water. Live Healthy.
S typhy o antigen 1:160
Sir typhy H antigen 1:80
S Para typhi Ah antigen 1:20
What is positive control and negative control
Hi , could someone please advise he meaning of hear test results? ;
Salmonella paratyphi BH Ab 1280
“. “. AO Ab 20
“. “. AH ab <20
". ". BO ab 20
Sir please tel me the report of mine whether widal test is positive or negative
O antigen 1:160
H antigen. 1:80
.y widal test for
s typhi:o 1:20
If Widal test shows serum typhi O and H is< 1:20 ,1:20 reactive means what
Hi my brother had fever and took test on two diff dates. His result is
Jan 21
salmonella thypi “o” – positive 1:40
Salmonella thypi “h” – positive 1:40
Salmonella para thypi “ah” – negative
Salmonella para thypi “bh” – negative
Sir my wife widal test is
Salmonella thphi O possitive 1:40
H possitive 1:40
Paratyphi A possitive 1:160
B negative
Hi All,
I had typhoid from past one month, taken treatment (5 days Through IV and 1 week through Tablets), 20 days later i given for test, the report shows like this:
S.TYPHI ‘O’ 1:80
Can you please help me, Its Positive OR Negative.
From past two days i have leg pain and body pain with fatigue.
I am 69 years old.My widal test report is below
1:30. 1:60. 1:120. 1:240.
TO. – – – –
TH. – – – –
AH. – – – –
BH. – – – –
Please let me know the results.
Positive or negative?
my child (10 Years) report is below pls advise. this report is positive ?
S.Typhi “O” Antigen : 1:120
S.Typhi “H” Antigen : 1:120
S.Paratyphi “AH” Antigen : TITRE<1:30 (NEGATIVE)
S.Paratyphi "BH" Antigen : TITRE<1:30 (NEGATIVE)
Hi. Is this report normal or positive?
typhi (O) 1/40
typhi (H) neg.
o-1:40 & H:40 then Positive or negative Thypod
My Widal Test Report ::
TO :- 1:80
TH :- 1:160
AH :- 1:40
BH :- 1:40
Ques …Without O or H positive only AH or BH can be positive .. In widal
hi sir
this is my widal test report by the slide method. is I normal or not ?? . please help me
1/20. 1/40. 1/80. 1/160. 1/320
TYPHY ” O. –
TYPHI ” H. – –
TYPHI ” AH. – – –
TYPHI “BH. – – –
1:160and another is 1:160
hi sir
this is my widal test report by the slide method. is I normal or not ?? . please help me
Kindly tell me about this report, wether it is positive or negative.
S.Typhi “O” (Somatic) Antigen Titre <40
S. Typhi "H" (Flagellar) Antigen Titre <40
S.Paratyphi A "H"(Flagellar)Antigen Titre <40
S.Paratyphi B "H" (Flagellar)Antigen Titre <40
You’re report is normal.
Insignificant RXN Titre value
which part of the body is O and h found
Hello sir pls I v been experiencing headache and decided to test for malaria and typhoid . Malaria came out negative. Typhoid came with typhi o 1/160 and H 1/20. Am confused.pls explain to me .is it deadly serious or it will changed to negative when I take antibiotics.pls prescribe one for me.thank u.
sir plz help me my Typhoi O is 1:40 and H is 1:40…Is it normal or not!what should i do?
Of IgM and IgG, which one shows the past infection; and wik shows active infection?
| 1:20 | 1:40 | 1:80 | 1:60 | 1:320 |
TO > + + + – – |
TH > + + + – – |
AH > – – – – – |
BH > – – – – – |
Hi my wife report below i took review for 2 dr one says take typhoid medicine and other says it not relaible on second day if fever as she also has maleria check for typhoid after 2 days below is the report
Typhi h 1/40
Typhi O 1/160
I am confused pls help
Sir, My widal test positive came by card method & I have take 10 days heavy antibiotic.
But after 10 day I have rechecked by slive method but surprisingly its came negative.
Please explain its possible
Sir, what is this result I have not understand this report. And I have not understand in English language please tell us in Kannada language. My Blood Report is this type
salmonella ‘O’ 1:320
salmonella ‘H’ 1:160
Salmonella ‘AH’ 1:40
Salmonella ‘BH’ 1:20
Ur lab report says ur Widal test is positive for typhoid fever consult physician as soon as possible
A. Paratyphi A(H) Antigen PRESENT (1:80)
its negative
My Widal test report is O-1:320, H-1:80, AH-1:80, BH-1:80
Plz explain my report. Is that serious problem?
widal test 1:20 1:40 1:60 1:80 1:160 1:320
s typhi’o’ + + + + +
s typhi’h’ + + + – –
s paratyphi AH + – – – –
s paratyphi BH – – – – –
what does this result mean?
TO : 1/320
TH : 1/160
Thank you in advance
my report is
Antigen O 1:160
Antigen H 1:320
is it normal or possitive
its a positive report
Could you please look into the report below and advice me, Is my health condition disturbed or am I normal?
S Typhi ‘H’ Titre 1/40
S Typhi ‘O’ Titre 1/80
S Para Typhi ‘A’ Titre 1/20
S Para Typhi ‘B’ Titre 1/20
Kindly let me know at the earliest
I have the following result
S.TyphiAntigen O :<1 in 20 dilutions
S.TyphiAntigen H :<1 in 20 dilutions
S.Paratyphi A. :<1 in 20 dilutions
S.Paratypi B. :<1 in 20 dilutions
Whether I am Typhoid positive or negative?
My condition is
S typhi O negative
S typhi H negative
S paratyphi AH 1/160
S paratyphi BH 1/160
I have slight fever in morning hours, but return to normal during day time.
Is it due to my previous infection with S typhi O positive, or is it new infection?
Please interpret.
Thanks very much for helping me in advance.
S.Paratyphi B – O antigen Negative
– H antigen POSITIVE Titre = 80
What does this mean?
Useful Guide.
Please explain.
Salmonella typhi “O”Titre :1:80 Dilutions ?
Salmonella typhi “H”Titre :1:80 Dilutions ?
Please reply.
My test results after taking antibiotics “cipro tabs” for 10 daysis still:
TYPHI TO. Titre 80
Please what should i do and what should i take?
Titre result shows
SO&SH +VE for 1:20 what does it mean
Widal test report:
1:20 1:40 1:80 1:160 1:320 1:640 1:1280
O + + + + + + +
TH + + + + + + –
AH – – – – – – –
BH – – – – – – –
Something wrong with the report? This is report of my mother who is 51 years old.
Please comment
1)the titration method is wrong.2)contaminated sample or reagent.
Here is my blood examination report
“o” antigen agglutination 1:80 Dilution
“H” Antigen Agglutination 1:160 Dilution
Para A(H)Antigen Agglutination 1:20 Dilution
Para B(H)Antigen Agglutination 1:20 Dilution
Serum Bilirubin 0.8 Mg%
can pls check this report
To +1/60, th +1/60, ah -1/60 , bh – 1/60
To – 1/120,th – 1/120,ah – 1/120,bh-1/120
To – 1/240,th – 1/240,ah – 1/240,bh-1/240
I know about typhoid positive or negative
My widal test reports are:
S.typhi O= less than 1:160
S.typhi H=less than 1:80
S.para typhi AH: negative
S.para typhi BH: Negative
Is it normal or I still have the fever??? And does it transmit to other person through sex??
Vikram, 1:80 normal. But
1:120 above typhoid positive.
Pls help me in knowing the general tube method and dilution for this test
As per my knowledge O antigen is important than H
Yes you are right but H antigen is important as well as it denotes the past infection
s.typhi ‘o’ & ‘H’ (How much pt.serum (ul)taken and how much reagents add give the dilution details for given belw all dilutions
Diluted serum 100ul+20ul reagent.
hi my Widal report O-1:160. H-1:20 AH:1:20 BH:1:20 plz tel me this report or positive
Its positive
My Mother report
O typhe….1/80
H typhe….1/80
my widal report.
o antisen : positive (1:40)
H angigen : negative
AH antigen : negative
BH antigen : negative
please tell me this report is negative or positive
My Mother widal test report.
O typhe…..1/80
H typhe. …1/80
Widal test is negative
My Mother widal test
O typhe….1/80
H typhe. 1/80
Negative or positive
My friend has Jaundice and the following test is also taken for him.
Widal Test :
Investigation Result
S. Typhi ‘O’ Antigen 1 : 20 dils
S. Typhi ‘H” Antigen 1 : 20 dils
S. Para Typhi ‘AH’ Antigen 1 : 20 dils
S. Para Typhi ‘BH’ Antigen 1 : 20 dils
What does it mean?
If something is not well, what precautions have to be taken?
Please let me know in detail as we all stay far from home and need to take proper care of ourselves.
Perfectly normal report. Typhoid do causes hepatitis leading to yellowish discoloration of eye but that is not a common presentation.
My widal test for typhoid shows the following results. Tell me whether the report is negative or positive.
Widal Report:
S. TYPHI O 1:20
s. TYPHI H 1:20
Please help me and interpret my widal test result below:
20/40: 40/80: 80/160 ; 20/20
Pls am here to study I need your help about widal test.well done and good lecture
My mummy widal test results is O,H,AH,BH, all Four is positive in 1:80.kindly suggest.
For the past ten years i noticed that my widal test used to be highly reactive i.e btw 1:160 and 1:320 even after treating with ceftriazone… I want to know whether its possible to be a carrier.
The test says s typhil TO-Negative..S typhil TH titre160 positive. And S paratyphil AH.Negative S paratyphil BH.Negative. S typhil AO.negative.. S paratyphil BO.negative. Sparatyphil CO.negative. S paratyphil.CH.negative and malaria negaive. I feel terrible headache and weak
hi,my report is
to ——
th ——
ah 1:40
BH 1:160
is it negative or positive
I have typhoid nd report shows
My typhoid result reads
S. Typhi O 1/80. H1/160
S. Para A 1/20. H1/20
S. Para B 1/320. H1/40
S. Para C 1/20. H 1/20
Does this means I have typhoid? And how high is it because I am seriously feeling feverish and tired with no appetite.
what is patient’s serum in widal test . r u taking blood or sputum for the test
only blood is uesd for widal test to check the reaction between ag and ab
blood is centrifuged in a centrifuge at 3000rpm…and u must take the upper part of it…that is serum
My widal test result is follows;
S typhi TO 1:80
S Paratyphi AO 1:40
S Paratyphi BO 1:20
S typhi TH 1:60
S Paratyphi AH 1:40
S Paratyphi BH 1:20
Please let me know my fever condition…waiting for your response
My report sayed that (Titee of > 1:80 is considered significant)
Good day,
Please kindly help out with this.
S.typhi 1/40 1/80
S.para typhi A 1/80 1/20
S.para typhi B 1/20 1/20
S.para typhi C 1/80 1/20
Please kindly help me interpret it and also the correct medication for me to take and how serious it is.thank you
Will rheumatoid arthritis problem show thypi h and o as positive. Please give your suggestions. In my mother’s report h and o is 1:80 and shown as positive.
Is there and intrlink for both…
Good day,
Please kindly help out with this.
S.typhi 1/40 1/80
S.para typhi A 1/80 1/20
S.para typhi B 1/20 1/20
S.para typhi C 1/80 1/20
Please kindly help me interpret it and also the correct medication for me to take and how serious it is.thank you
widely test had been my result is
Please say me negative or positive.
But I don’t have fever only stomach pain and infection.
How many days it take to cure,
you are positive..but if you take treatment for 2 weeks daily..the disease will stop spreading and you will be surely healed..take care
Hi, my Widal Test give me this results
1:20 1:40 1:80 1:160 1:320
A + + + + –
B – – – – –
H – – – – –
O – – – – –
Thanks for your help.
I am studying the duration the antigens of Salmonella Typhi will remain in the blood and show a reactive result in a titre od 1:80. Could you please specify the duration of approximate days or months after febrile infection.
Thanks in advance.
What does that supposed to mean! Not significant ?! Could u please interprete
BO 1:160 not significant
TO 1:80
Thank you anyway 🙂
Please kindly interprete this for me. S.typhyi O 1/60
S.typhyi H 1/20
S.para typhyi AO 1/20
S.para typhi BO 1/80
S.para typhi BH 1/20
S.para typi CO 1/20
S.para typhi CH 1/20
Please kindly help me interpretate it and also the correct medication for me to take and how serious it is.thank you
Pls say whether the report is positive or negative ?
S.Typhi.O.S 1:60
Typhi 1:60
Para A 1:20
Para B 1:20
S.typhi O: 1/20
S.typhi H:1/20
is it positive or negative?
what does this mean s.paratyphi AO , BO, BH, CO, CH, O, H….
also what does the figure 1:40, 1:160 mean
STO(Agglutination)less than 1:20
STH(Agglutination)less than 1:20
SPAH(Agglutination)less than 1:20
SPBH(Agglutination)less than 1:20
O 1:40,1:80&H 1:40
TO=1/160 +ve TH=1/20 +ve
TAH=negative TBH=negative
Positive or negative?
Positive for H
Positive for O
To 1:320
TH 1:40
my report positive or nagetive
TO=1/160 +ve TH=1/20 +ve
Positive or negative?
Pls interpret this Widal test results. is it positive or negative?
S typhil O =1:80 , H =1:80
S.paratyphi A- O =1:20, A-H= 1:20
“. ”
A-O, C-O , B-H, C-H , all are 1:20
Good work in the diagnosis of typhoid fever
Ah, i see. Well tha’ts not too tricky at all!”
Between. O and o which one is positive. Among the two?
my S Typhi O 1/80. s typhi BO 1/20. is this positive or negative ?
Can we didferentiate the Widal test positivity that is due to previous vaccination (or past infection) and due to recent infection ? Is there any guidelines to differentiate positivity depends on dilution? Or we have to depends on other investigation for this purpose ?
can go for blood culture. only the live organisms shows growth.
why is unheated serum use in widal test? please answer
serum dilution
1:30. 1:60. 1:120. 1:240
s.typhi ‘ o’ . . .
s.typhi. ‘h’. . . .
is this means positive or negative
Nothing like that bt
1:20.1:40.1:80.1:160.1:320 and
The significant titre is greater than or equal to 1:80 ie positive from 1:80 and above
If reading is 1/160, then after ten days became 1/320 does this indicate an increase or a decrease? Kindly reply, what does this ratio mean 1 of what to 160 of what? Thanks a lot…
My widal test is
Typhi O 1/160 is +
Typhi H 1/160 is +
What is this
My widal test is Typhi O 1/160 is + and Typhi H 1/160 is +
Positve mixed infection
my typhi O is 1:80 and H is 1:80 is this is negative or positvie
Please kindly interpret – widal 20/80, 20/20, 20/20, 40/40
there is nothing like that
Day 1
S.Typhi H Positive 1:160
S.Typhi O Positive 1:160
Day 25
S.Typhi H Positive 1:320
S.Typhi O Positive 1:320
No ova & parasites observed
Salmonella, shigella, E coli not isolated
please interpret the following report
s.typhi ‘o’ 1/20 1/40 1/80
s.typhi ‘H’ 1/20 1/40 1/80 1/60
Positive bt nothing like 1:60
Is it possible
H 1:160
O 1:40
My Widal Test is. O. 1/20. 1/20. 1/20. 1/20. H. 1/20. 1/160 1/20. 1/80. Sir am I positive or negative
Continue more research,stoped using widal test due to many false post-RDTs for salmonella is my best
Sir my widal test report is
S.typhi “o” 1:160 dilu
S.typhi “h” 1:160 dilu
S.paratyphi “ah” : Negative
S.paratyphi “bh” : negative
it means
1) Salmonella typh O Titr : 1 in 40 dilution
2) Salmonella typh H Titr : 1 in 40 dilution
3) salmonella paratyph AH titr : less than 1 in 20 dilution
4) salmonella paratyph BH titr : less than 1 in 20 dilution
My widal test are as below:-
SALMONELLA TYPHI “O”_ 1:80 Dilutions
SALMONELLA TYPHI “H”_ 1:40 Dilutions
SALMONELLA TYPHI “AH”_ 1:20 Dilutions
SALMONELLA TYPHI “BH”_ 1:20 Dilutions
What is your opinior, is it negative or positive.
its negative.. its possitive only on 1:160 or above titre