Biochemical Test and Identification of Bacillus anthracis

Basic CharacteristicsProperties (Bacillus anthracis)
CatalasePositive (+ve)
GasNegative (-ve)
Gelatin HydrolysisPositive (+ve)
Gram StainingPositive (+ve)
HemolysisNegative (-ve)
IndolePositive (+ve)
MotilityNegative (-ve)
Nitrate ReductionPositive (+ve)
OxidaseNegative (-ve)
PigmentNegative (-ve)
SporePositive (+ve)
UreaseNegative (-ve)
VP (Voges Proskauer)Positive (+ve)
Fermentation of
AdonitolNegative (-ve)
ArabinoseNegative (-ve)
ArabitolNegative (-ve)
CellobioseNegative (-ve)
DulcitolNegative (-ve)
ErythritolNegative (-ve)
GalactoseNegative (-ve)
GlucosePositive (+ve)
GlycerolNegative (-ve)
GlycogenPositive (+ve)
InositolNegative (-ve)
InulinNegative (-ve)
LactoseNegative (-ve)
MaltosePositive (+ve)
MannitolNegative (-ve)
MannoseNegative (-ve)
MelibioseNegative (-ve)
RaffinoseNegative (-ve)
RhamnoseNegative (-ve)
RibosePositive (+ve)
SalicinNegative (-ve)
SorbitolNegative (-ve)
StarchPositive (+ve)
SucrosePositive (+ve)
TrehalosePositive (+ve)
XyloseNegative (-ve)
Enzymatic Reactions
Arginine DehydrolasePositive (+ve)
Casein HydrolysisPositive (+ve)
Esculin HydrolysisPositive (+ve)
LysineNegative (-ve)
Ornithine DecarboxylaseNegative (-ve)
Phenylalanine DeaminaseNegative (-ve)
Tyrosine HydrolysisNegative (-ve)

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2 thoughts on “Biochemical Test and Identification of Bacillus anthracis”

  1. Your work here, Dr. Aryal, is wonderful, and an excellent source of great research in the field of Microbiology! Thanks for sharing!


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