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Basic Characteristics Properties (Bacillus cereus) Catalase Positive (+ve) Citrate Positive (+ve) Gelatin Hydrolysis Negative (-ve) Gram Staining Positive (+ve) Growth in KCN Positive (+ve) Hemolysis Positive (+ve) Indole Negative (-ve) Motility Positive (+ve) MR (Methyl Red) Negative (-ve) Nitrate Reduction Variable Oxidase Negative (-ve) Pigment Negative (-ve) Shape Rods Spore Positive (+ve) VP (Voges Proskauer) Positive (+ve) Fermentation of Adonitol Negative (-ve) Arabinose Negative (-ve) Arabitol Negative (-ve) Cellobiose Variable Fructose Positive (+ve) Galactose Negative (-ve) Glucose Positive (+ve) Glycerol Positive (+ve) Glycogen Positive (+ve) Inositol Negative (-ve) Inulin Negative (-ve) Lactose Negative (-ve) Maltose Positive (+ve) Mannitol Negative (-ve) Mannose Negative (-ve) Melibiose Negative (-ve) Raffinose Negative (-ve) Rhamnose Negative (-ve) Ribose Positive (+ve) Salicin Variable Sorbitol Negative (-ve) Starch Positive (+ve) Sucrose Variable Trehalose Positive (+ve) Xylose Negative (-ve) Enzymatic Reactions Acetate Utilization Variable Arginine Dehydrolase Variable Casein Hydrolysis Positive (+ve) Esculin Hydrolysis Positive (+ve) Lecithinase Positive (+ve) Lysine Negative (-ve) Ornithine Decarboxylase Negative (-ve) Phenylalanine Deaminase Negative (-ve) Tyrosine Hydrolysis Positive (+ve)
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Can I use horse blood for the hemolysis test of Bacillus Cerus?
better to use the sheep blood raw or defabrinated sheep blood with base with TSA or scda
Bacillus cereus is positive for vp and production of gelatinase and on ferment mannitole
I conducted a Gelatin Hydrolysis Test and observed a positive result. B. Cereus does produce the enzyme Gelatinase.
Id like to note that some of these are incorrect. Bergy’s manual specifically states the fact that it is positive for gelatin hydrolysis as well as a positive methyl red test and a negative VP test.
Bergey’s states that B. cereus does produce acetylmethylcarbinol which is what VP tests for.
(ve) stands for
+positive or
If you see -ve in the table it means negative and +ve it serves as positive so it means a sign of reaction
Please I would like to know what does it mean: (ve) of table of identification.