Biochemical Test and Identification of Salmonella Typhi

CharacteristicsSalmonella Typhi
CapsuleNegative (-ve)
CatalasePositive (+ve)
CitrateNegative (-ve)
FlagellaPositive (+ve)
GasNegative (-ve)
Gelatin HydrolysisNegative (-ve)
Gram StainingNegative (-ve)
Growth in KCNNegative (-ve)
H2SPositive (+ve)
IndoleNegative (-ve)
MR (Methyl Red)Positive (+ve)
MUG TestNegative (-ve)
Nitrate ReductionPositive (+ve)
OxidaseNegative (-ve)
PigmentNegative (-ve)
SporeNegative (-ve)
TSIA (Triple Sugar Iron Agar)Alkali/Acid
UreaseNegative (-ve)
VP (Voges Proskauer)Negative (-ve)
Fermentation of
AdonitolNegative (-ve)
ArabinoseNegative (-ve)
ArabitolNegative (-ve)
CellobioseNegative (-ve)
DNaseNegative (-ve)
DulcitolNegative (-ve)
ErythritolNegative (-ve)
Esculin HydrolysisNegative (-ve)
GlucosePositive (+ve)
GlycerolNegative (-ve)
InositolNegative (-ve)
LactoseNegative (-ve)
MalonateNegative (-ve)
MaltosePositive (+ve)
MannitolPositive (+ve)
MannosePositive (+ve)
MelibiosePositive (+ve)
MucateNegative (-ve)
MyoInositolNegative (-ve)
RaffinoseNegative (-ve)
RhamnoseNegative (-ve)
SalicinNegative (-ve)
SorbitolPositive (+ve)
SucroseNegative (-ve)
TartratePositive (+ve)
TrehalosePositive (+ve)
XylosePositive (+ve)
Enzymatic Reactions
Acetate UtilizationNegative (-ve)
Arginine DehydrolaseNegative (-ve)
Esculin HydrolysisNegative (-ve)
LipaseNegative (-ve)
LysinePositive (+ve)
ONPG (β-galactosidase)Negative (-ve)
Ornithine DecarboxylaseNegative (-ve)
PeroxidaseNegative (-ve)
Tyrosine HydrolysisNegative (-ve)

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20 thoughts on “Biochemical Test and Identification of Salmonella Typhi”

  1. how can you tell the difference between Salmonella paratyphi b and salmonella choleraesuis? What biochemical results should be different between the 2?

  2. Any biochemical test to differentiate Salmonella paratyphi B from S. typhimurium? Is there a test other than anti sera?

  3. Biochemical tests
    Presumptive colonies will be characterized using secondary biochemical tests:
     On TSI slant: R/Y/H2S+/g+
     Lysine decarboxylase: positive
     Citrate utilization: positive
     Urease: negative
     Motility: positive
     Indole: negative
     MR: positive
     VP: negative
    After these tests you should subculture onto nutrient or tryptone soya agar
    Sent for serotyping at Salmonella reference laboratory.

  4. I have a problem with Salmonella spp.detection. I use your Anti- Salmonella I (A-E+Vi) serum. Colonies on specific media are specific to Salmonella, all biochemical test are also specific, but serum gives me a negative reaction.

  5. nice practical research.and can you show me the basic difference&similarity between s.typhi and s.tyhpimurium ?????

    • Typhimurium is positive for citrate test typhi is negative. Other than that they are different in the diseases they produce with typhi producing typhoid fever and typhimurium most types of food poisoning from salmonella in poultry etc.

  6. Are S.typhi citrate negative??? U have written negative.. but in Annanthanarayan it is written positive for all salmonella species. Could anyone tell me which one is correct?

  7. good research and clear guideline. you have given detail identification parameters for salmonella serovars especially salmonella typhi. I did it in the near past. particularly non-typhoidal serovars.


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